How many Habits do you have?

“Woke up, fell out of bed, dragged a comb across my head, found my way downstairs and drank a cup, and looking up, I noticed I was late…”   From:   A Day in the Life, by the Beatles.

Without judging the aspects of the habits in the song snippet, above, let’s count how many habits are referenced there.

1.  Gets up at a certain time.

2.  Maintains some level of personal hygiene.

3.  Has achieved some level of motor skills (gross:  stair climbing.)

4.  Consumes beverages.  [procuring food/beverages implied.]

5.  Can make analytical assessments based upon visual cues.  (looks at clock [implied] correlates that to a time of day by which he must leave his home.

6.  Has a place to live. 

How many of these do you call a habit? 

How many habits do you have?

Do they serve you well?