I’ve been away so long, part 2

Well, that first part was getting long so I decided to make this story a two-parter.  I don’t think it will become a mini-series.  We’ll see.

So, my point was that for something like 6 weeks I spent every available minute making all this stuff to sell at the Faire, and planning my Booth and all that.  The fair ended, I deposited my $58.00 (or there-abouts) and began putting all my Fair stuff away.  That took awhile. 

By all rights, It was time to take a rest and get re-acquainted with my family and friends who had heard nothing from me for weeks but the stuff I was making for the fair.  (I am blessed to be surrounded by people who love me and adore me, no matter what I am presently focused upon.)

Then it was time to do the taxes.  Everything I do turns into a production, let me tell you.

Then I wanted to attend other festivals because it is festival season in Florida from January the end of April.  After that all the snowbirds go home (to do their taxes) and it gets too darned hot here to go to a fair.

And so I have spent the past 6 weeks doing hardly anything with my WhimsyGear.  Then one day 2 weeks ago, I began the tedious task of uploading product to Etsy, in hopes of attracting customers who want what I have to sell.  {I say ‘tedious’ because it seems to take a long time to locate good photos and then write all the descriptions and identify all the possible tags, and think about what someone else would think about if they were looking for my Wares.}

I have posted a total of 2 wands to Etsy, since the Faire.

It’s a start.  But right now I have to call my Mother.